Saturday, April 20, 2013

No more leggings please!

Ok let's be completely honest, the shit was fun while it lasted. Looking at a female's ass in it's purest, juiciest form was very satisfying but now the shit is just pathetic. Why is it pathetic? Mainly because you women have caught on to the perverted thoughts that go thru our minds as we watch that booty jiggle as you walk past us damn near breaking our neck. With that being known leggings have become more of a thing for attention more so than a thing of "comfort"

Last week I'm crossing the street on a very routine trip to grab coffee when they past me. These leggings held within them the biggest booty I've seen since a BET uncut video my nigga, I mean it was so bad I almost got hit by a car twice. I almost died because of some damn leggings! And to top matters off when I went to ask for a number she turned around with a face not even God could love or Satan could hate enough. She looked like a poker player my nigga. Her face was so terrifying if she had kids, they'd be scared to shit when she woke them up in the morning. So not only did leggings almost cause me to die, they made me holla at a chick that looks like a swim coach in broad daylight with people looking my nigga.

Funny shit is tho y'all think y'all being slick. Y'all try to make it seem like y'all have multiple pairs of leggings that's why y'all wear em every other fuckin day no you don't that's fuckin disgusting. Ya cooch probably has legging odor and all this because it makes your booty look relevant. Me I'm not rich but I'll be damned if a chick in some 10$ leggings try and play me fuck that. Y'all be having holes in y'all shit and still rockin em setting thirst traps for niggas who at least TRYING to be faithful to his girl that's not fair.

Look ladies I would say that having a juicy booty isn't everything because it is but plz ladies find another way to show it off. Leggings are an obvious need of desperation cuz u need a nigga to pay your phone bill with WiFi at the crib. Tired of seeing chicks who don't have juicy bootys with one because of the deception of leggings enough is enough. Leggings will ruin a relationship. Leggings will give u likes on an instagram picture you know you don't deserve and followers who make u think your beautiful. They're no good for anybody ladies so please just cut it out.......please.


  1. You are case you didn't already know! Keep speaking your mind ;)

    1. Thank u so much! I'm new to this and am receiving surprising but beautiful feedback any help getting heard about would be a blessing and greatly appreciated!

  2. You're welcome. I'm new to this too, so I know exactly what you mean! #nowfollowing
