There are several different types of pains in this world, physical pain, emotional pain and mental pain. You can have a broken leg or you can have a broken heart both hurt but question is which one will you be willing to tolerate my nigga. Some pain make it hard to move others hard to sleep but at the end of the day we all handle the shit different.
I'm pretty damn sure we can all agree that the worst pain in the fuckin universe is being cheated on. You know that feeling you get in your stomach that makes u wanna throw tf up. Fuck around and lose weight dog. I would rather get shot than get cheated on honestly because finding out somebody you love is involved with somebody else........MY NIGGA that shit hurts b.
The thought of my love being with somebody else makes me wanna murder somebody and end up on the first 48 dog the shit is just horrific. I would rather eat thumb tacks b dead ass. You give a chick your all only for her to end up wit some nigga who has cornrows and no wifi b. You giving him your all only for him to be wit a chick who wears leggings everyday and shops at rainbow. Being cheated on is a pain that doesn't go away fast yo. It last for weeks, months, and in most cases years. It makes you not wanna trust anybody at all.
People watch that show Cheaters and laugh but that shit ain't funny dog. Close your eyes and picture your girl/man fuckin somebody else. Now you ready to fight right? That shit is no joke at all it hurts. It's an indescribable pain b. Its the reason why we wont give them a chance. The reason why we hate that movie the notebook. The reason why we listen to drake with the doors closed. I've been cheated on and from my experience I wouldn't wish that pain upon anybody yo smh. To the people who got over it or are trying to god bless because it's a pain no medicine can heal only time ......until next time
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